
Smile Now, Cry Later
Smile Now, Cry Later

Smile Now, Cry Later
Smile Now, Cry Later
Том на 0.27, 2.21 и 3.03 если успеете рассмотреть))))

@темы: Tom Hardy, Video


Smile Now, Cry Later
October 18

@темы: Photo, Tom Hardy, This Means War

Smile Now, Cry Later
Press Photocall 2007 - Olivier Theatre -London

@темы: Photo, Theater, Tom Hardy

Smile Now, Cry Later

@темы: Link, Tom Hardy

Smile Now, Cry Later

@темы: Photo, Tom Hardy, Photoshoot

Smile Now, Cry Later

@темы: Photo, Tom Hardy, Photoshoot

Smile Now, Cry Later

@темы: Photo, Tom Hardy, Photoshoot

Smile Now, Cry Later

@темы: Photo, Tom Hardy, Photoshoot


Smile Now, Cry Later

@темы: Photo, Tom Hardy


Smile Now, Cry Later
09.10.2010 в 18:33
Пишет  Silme:

Видео Артур/Имс AU
Anna снова нас радует шикарным видео и я так поняла, оно будет иметь продолжение



Beginning - Arthur tells Eames that he doesn't love the Forger, that their relationship is all a lie. Eames is hurt, angry and heartbroken. He leaves the Pointman telling him that, "He won't return..."

Before (2 Days Ago) -

Arthur has an appointment with a client who is in need of his expertise. He talks with the woman for a little while, discussing his speciality. After their conversation, he leaves but he starts having a bad feeling about this meeting. Later, he receives a phone call where he finds out that a newly formed Dream Team have come forward. And this team's intention is to assassinate any other Dream professionals (yes, I'm calling them that, lol!) that are not in their team - men like Arthur. His contact (maybe Yusuf or Cobb?) also informs him that Eames's identity as a Forger had not been discovered yet.

Arthur knows that the only way for Eames to stay unharmed is if he broke up with him. So he does it, knowing the consequences for his action.

Present -

Eames is bitter about their breakup, but memories quickly start to haunt him.
When Cobb shares the news that Arthur had been killed, he starts to remember the day he had last seen Arthur... and realizes that Arthur had broken up with him because the Pointman had known they were in danger. He immediately regrets the words he had said to Arthur and wished he had turned back when he had the chance.

URL записи

@темы: Link, Inception, Tom Hardy, Video, Joseph


Smile Now, Cry Later
08 October 2010

@темы: Photo, Tom Hardy


Smile Now, Cry Later
Хм..А ведь на этом снимке вовсе не Харди..

Присмотритесь. Нос, уши, профиль, руки в конце-то концов! Где его поломанный пальчик???
Обманули-обидели. Подсунули не того Имса(((

@темы: HQ, Promo, Inception, Photo, Tom Hardy, Joseph

Smile Now, Cry Later
Дата снимака 11.05.2009


@темы: HQ, Promo, Photo, Tom Hardy, Warrior


Smile Now, Cry Later
Дата снимка 22.02.2010

@темы: HQ, Photo, Theater, Tom Hardy


Smile Now, Cry Later

(с) tumblr

@темы: Tom Hardy, Art, Joseph


Smile Now, Cry Later

@темы: Photo, Tom Hardy



Smile Now, Cry Later